Oct 23, 2007

The power of "it"

Have you ever felt the urge to create something new?

Are you sure that you have the perfect idea that will make perfect sense to millions of people out there if you just had the opportunity to present it to someone?

What is keeping you back?

What will make you act?

There is one word that can make a difference -- "it".

No, not IT (Information technology or any other impressive explanation). Just the plain old word "it" -- as in "he, she or it". The word "it" is extremely powerful in innovation -- especially when insight, knowledge and logic is under pressure (which is often).

Where does its strength come from?
It can be found in the use of the multitude of verbs used in combination with the word "it". The use of "it" can encourage, distract, describe, discourage, create brand names and visions, become a call to action.
Look at these examples:

Make it...

Break it....

Create it....

Design it....

Revamp it....

Visualise it....

Embrace it....

Cook it....

Eat it....

View it....

Sort it....

Enhance it....

Combine it....

Admire it....

Adjust it...

Abbreviate it....

Master it....

Read it....

Look at it....

Leave it....

Lose it....

Foster it....

Free it....

Dump it....

Change it....

Adjust it....

Edit it....

Entertain it....

Energise it....

Zap it....

Focus it.... -- can you add more?

Suddenly a simple word is empowered to create optimism or define failure, give direction, inspire new ideas in marketing, products and more.

Perhaps this is what innovation is all about -- taking the insignificant and making it significant. Making the most of the opportunity to select phrases that inspire.

Selecting a phrase requires only that you do what the phrase implies. For example, if the phrase "focus it" seems to apply to your situation, project or effort, implement the term -- try to refocus or strenghten the focus in your project or product. Ask yourself expanding questions such as -- where should the focus be, how can it be achieved, how, by whom, by when.... before you know it, you will be taking action to help you on your way.

Ideas come from many sources -- Words communicate them, Actions make them real. It can start with something as insignificant as "it":

It was

It is

It can be

It may be

It will be....

Next time when your new idea or invention seems to be going nowhere -- put the power of "it" to the test. You may find that great ideas require small building blocks to keep them moving and make them real.

