Dec 13, 2007

Creativity in Action?

What is 'creativity in action'?

Let's break it down first.

What is creativity?

This is easy.

It is the stuff artists are made of. It is about painting, photography, styling, the arts and more. It is about being imaginative and inventive. It is about creating beauty (whatever its definition) and new things. It is about designing and dreaming; baring the soul; seeing in ones minds-eye what no one else can envision. It is about taking from past and present to give the future wings. It is about ideas and concepts; leaps of the imagination and vision.

In the business world it is the same as dreams, talk and air....
It is words....

What about action?

Creativity requires one very specific component to make it requires Action.

Without action, creativity does not make any difference -- none.

Without action, ideas, concepts and strategies do not turn into products, categories, sales and profit.

This action, in turn, has certain requirements -- it must be well planned, focused and well executed. It must be the actions of cross-functional, professional individuals functioning as a well-oiled machine.

Action is planned, structured, measured and valuated.

It has a beginning and an end.

It has specific results as aim.

How would one know which/what action is required?

The forerunner of action is intelligence -- not the IQ type (although that is always welcome) -- the research type.

Action is preceded by finding out as much as possible about the situation as envisioned by 'creativity' through secondary- and primary research respectively; It is preceded by "doing your homework" from all possible angles without researching the subject to death and bankrupting the company in the process. This requires skilled, expert knowledge and intelligence (of the IQ type) to plan the required research protocols and -analysis, statistically analyze quantified information , interpret qualitative information, mine the combined data for insights, reach specific conclusions, distinguish between actionable and non-actionable results, predict results of possible actions and advise a course of action.

Creativity is about ideas, ideals and dreams.

Action is about analysis, business realities, identifying the process to make the creative vision real -- and making it happen.

Creativity in action?

That is known as 'innovation'.....


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